Performance Herts Online Workshop Recording and Presentation Slides

Receive access to the recording and slides of either one, four, or ALL of our online workshops, available to purchase until the end of 2021.

Take the opportunity to develop yourself professionally by one of our UKSCA accredited strength and conditioning coaches. Our expert team have over 30 years of experience training athletes from grassroots to Olympic and World Class level. Our clientele have included Arsenal Women's FC, England Golf, England Squash and Saracen's Mavericks Netball, to name just a few.

By investing in this service you will receive access to the recording and slides of either one, four, or ALL of the following online workshops.


1) Foundations in Strength & Conditioning 

  • Scientific principles of S&C (Strength & Conditioning)
  • Analysing Sporting Demands – Biomechanical, Physiological, Injury Analysis
  • Fundamental Movement Patterns & Derivatives – Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Core
  • Essentials of Programming & Periodisation

2) Performance Testing and Monitoring

  • An introduction to athlete testing, diagnostics, profiling and monitoring
  • How to perform an individual athlete assessment
  • The theory and practice of performing a functional movement screening
  • Performance testing, profiling and interpretation of scores  


3) Programming

  • The art and science of Strength and Conditioning programme design
  • How to select exercises based upon the athlete in-front of you
  • How to design repetitions and set schemes
  • Ensuring long-term progress through the programme
  • Optimally planning the training week around fixtures, training and other commitments


4) Periodisation

  • The art and science behind the concept of periodisation
  • Learn the main periodisation models, including Linear, Undulating and Conjugate strategies
  • Selecting the optimal periodisation strategy based upon the client in-front of you
  • How to manipulate training variables throughout the training year
  • How to Ensure peaks in performance at the right time of the season via optimal tapering strategies


5) Long Term Athlete Development

  • Develop an understanding of Long Term Athlete Development models​
  • Gain an insight into growth and maturation​
  • Build a toolbox of exercise selection and progression based on stage of development​
  • Learn the differences in approach with early and late specialisation and maturation​


6) Conditioning

  • Learn the roles of the aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic energy systems.​
  • Gain an understanding of the adaptations required to improve these energy systems.​
  • Develop a practical toolbox of training methods used to target these adaptations.​
  • Discover how to optimally structure the sequential development of these qualities for team sport athletes.

What you get:

  • Recording of the completed workshop
  • Copy of workshop slides

These workshops are well suited for:

  • Athletes
  • Sports coaches
  • PE teachers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Sports degree students
  • Aspiring strength & conditioning coaches



  • *1x Workshop - £40
  • *4x Workshops - £120 
  • 6x Workshops - £200

*Upon selecting your desired purchase, you will be able to indicate which workshop(s) you would like access to on the confirmation page. If there are any problems, please email us on

Performance Herts Workshop Refund Policy

Performance Herts Online Workshop Recording and Presentation Slides Course Dates


1x Workshop - £40

4x Workshops - £120

6x Workshops - £200




1 hour

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