
Sports Village

Casual facility prices are increasing from Monday 1 August

Sunday 10 July, 2022

As you will no doubt be aware there are a number of factors impacting the cost base of businesses at the current time, including rising utility costs and inflation. Facilities such as Hertfordshire Sports Village, use considerable amounts of energy and whilst we endeavour to reduce our consumption and explore greener alternatives, the rising utility costs we have experienced in the last 12 months has added a significant unbudgeted cost to our business.
To-date we have absorbed these increased costs despite this following what has been an incredibly difficult time as we firstly survived and then started to recover from the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a business we lost a huge amount of income, whilst continuing to incur a large percentage of our fixed costs. Thankfully, as part of the wider University of Hertfordshire, we were incredibly fortunate in being able to survive the financial impact of the pandemic and still be here to provide an excellent service to you and your club to fulfil your sporting needs.
During this challenging period we kept our prices the same and made no price increases. However, we have come to the point that, in order to get back to being a sustainable business and continuing to operate to the high standards we pride ourselves on and you (rightly) expect, we have no choice but to increase our facility hire prices to help us absorb some of the increased unbudgeted costs our business is facing.
We know that each of you are facing your own financial pressures as a result of the same factors we are experiencing but we hope that the small price increases we need to make to each of you are ones you can accept and continue to enjoy our facilities in the year ahead.
So, for all bookings that take place from 1 August 2022 onwards we will be applying a price increase in-line with or less than the current rate of inflation. You are able to have a look at the prices in your member account.
Please can I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued custom and loyalty and your understanding for these unavoidable price increases we need to make. Myself and my team really appreciate your support.

David Connell
Director of Sport

Facility Prices from 1 August 2022

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Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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