

COVID-19 Sports Village FAQ’s – Updated 8 July 2020

Wednesday 8 July, 2020

In these uncertain times and with an ever changing and fast moving situation, we are aware that our members and customers rightly have a range of questions that need answers. We hope we have answered the majority of these below and are working our way through all the emails, phone calls and questions that have come flooding in since we announced our temporary closure and most recently since we have started partially re-opening Herts Sports Village. We will update these FAQ’s regularly.

Partial re-opening of Herts Sports Village

What does the updated Government guidance say we can offer to members?

New Government guidance states that from Wednesday 13 May we can offer the following:
“We are increasing people’s access to outdoor physical activity for the purpose of health and well-being. This includes use of outdoor sports courts and facilities. You can only exercise alone, with members of your household, or with 1 other person from outside your household while keeping 2 metres apart at all times.”

“If you are a personal trainer/coach you can now work with clients outdoors, providing you are alone and only meeting with 1 person from outside of your household, outdoors, and you are staying a minimum of 2 metres apart.”

As a result of this updated guidance we can offer a number of activities to members who decide to re-instate their membership with us from Monday 1 June.

What facilities/services will be available as part of your membership from Monday 1 June?

The updated Government guidelines means it is now possible for outdoor training to take place and for up to six people from separate households to meet up for leisure purposes as long as it is outside and they keep socially distant (with the 2 metre rule).

With this in mind, Sports Village members re-instating their membership from Monday 1 June will receive access to the following (per week of membership):

  • One 45 minute outdoor training session with a HSV instructor* (these sessions are not available to UH students on a student membership)
  • Two 45 minute outdoor group class sessions (All participants will be 2 metres apart at all times)**
  • One 45 minute tennis court booking (this is available for families living in the same household or two individuals from different households who are socially distancing)
  • One third of an artificial pitch for 45 minutes per week (this is available on our New Gen 2 or Sand Astro pitches only. Families living in the same household or up to six individuals social distancing at a time can use this)

All sessions will be limited to 45 minutes to allow for social distancing at all times, safe changeover between members, the cleaning of equipment used and the resetting of equipment prior to the next session starting.

*The outdoor training sessions will currently be offered on a 1:1 basis so that all gym equipment can be used safely without the mixing of different people across different stations in the same session. Please note: these sessions are not available to HSV student members.

**As 6 people from different households can now meet outside if keeping to social distancing rules, we have added outdoor group class sessions into our offering. There will be a variety of small sessions on offer with a HSV Gym Instructor who is on shift. You can choose to book your preferred time slot at the time of booking.

As always, if Government advice is updated to allow a higher number of people training together we will increase ratios in light of these changes and the ratios of our sessions will be replaced with higher ratios. We will notify members of these changes in advance of them taking effect. 

How far in advance will you be able to book?

We will open bookings three days before each session. We may also open further slots nearer the time, so please keep an eye on our Bookings page if we become fully booked on a particular day. This allows us to make any changes to availability, taking into account member demand, weather and to respond to any future changes in Government guidance.

What will happen to my current Health and Fitness membership?

If you choose to opt-in to re-starting your membership to benefit from the offer outlined above, we will unfreeze your current membership with us and your existing monthly / annual membership rate will apply (e.g. if you are on a Standard Single membership, you would start paying £49 per month once again).

If you decide to opt-in before Monday 1 June, you will benefit from two weeks FREE membership with no payment being taken until Wednesday 1 July and the other two weeks of payment in June being waived in-lieu of the 14 days we were closed at the end of March. 

Can you continue using HSV@Home and our free virtual classes if you re-instate your Health and Fitness membership from 1 June?

Of course you can! Our HSV@Home platform will continue to be available to all members on the same basis it currently is and we would actively encourage you to use this as well. 

How do I opt-in and get started?

In order to meet demand, we are releasing a limited number of memberships to begin with. 
If you are interested in getting started with us again don't delay. Complete the form below and our Reception Team will be in touch with further details.

Opt-in HERE to re-start your membership and come back to Herts Sports Village.



I am owed a refund. When will I recieve this?

We are still unable to process refunds at this moment, however if you believe you are due a refund please complete this form and we will be in contact as soon as we can. 
Complete Refund Form HERE

I have a monthly direct debit membership. What will happen to my monthly payments?

We have frozen all monthly direct debit memberships from Wednesday 18 March and no payment will be taken until further notice.

I’ve paid annually for my membership. What will happen to the days you have been closed and I haven’t been able to use my membership?

Any days where you have been unable to visit due to the closure we decided to make will be added to the end of your membership when we re-open. You will not need to contact us or do anything.

Will I have to pay a freeze fee for my membership to be frozen during this period of closure?

No, we will not be charging anyone the usual £10 freeze fee during this time of closure due to the unprecedented situation we all find ourselves in.

I would like to freeze my membership for longer than the closure. How do I do this?

Please confirm in an email to us the dates you wish to freeze your membership until at

We can currently freeze for a maximum of 4 months. As the situation develops, this timeframe will be reviewed if we need to.

I had already given a month’s notice to cancel my membership. Will I now receive a refund for my unusable cancellation period?

If you’ve cancelled your direct debit and are now unable to make use of your cancellation period, please contact us at

Since the coronavirus situation emerged, I developed symptoms and have avoided the Sports Village completely for a month before the Sports Village closure on the 17th March. Will you reimburse me for the month I could not come in?

Unfortunately, we need to be aware of freezes in advance and we can’t retrospectively freeze an account. We will not be able to reimburse you if you didn’t visit us before our closure.

I’m an international student and have paid upfront for my membership. How do I get my money back as I won’t be returning?

We will give you a pro-rata refund for the period of which you have been unable to use your membership due to the decision we took to close our facility. As we are currently closed we are not able to process any refunds at the current time but we will review how we can make these work and update you with further details when we are able to.  Update.. We are still unable to process refunds as still no open, we are looking into other solutions.

I’m a student and I won’t be returning to the university this year. Can I get a refund for my monthly membership as I’ve already paid for March?

Yes, you will be entitled to a pro-rata refund for the days in which you have paid for your membership but haven’t been able to use because of our closure. As we are currently closed we are not able to process any refunds at the current time but we will review how we can make these and update you with further details when we can. Update.. We are still unable to process refunds as still no open, we are looking into other solutions.

I’m a student and I won’t be returning to the university this year. Can I get a refund for the remainder of my annual membership?

Yes you will be entitled to a pro-rata refund for the days in which you have paid for your membership but haven’t been able to use because of our closure. As we are currently closed we are not able to process any refunds at the current time but we will review how we can make these and update you with further deatils when we can. Update.. We are still unable to process refunds as still no open, we are looking into other solutions.

I still want to work-out. What can I do if I can’t come in?

We are currently developing an online platform called HSV@Home. This will enable you to join virtual classes and work-out from home. We have a variety of content for you to use and enjoy from activities for the kids, personal workout programmes, classes and wellbeing tips and exercises through to brain games! Take a look at what's currently on offer and keep your eyes peeled for more in the coming weeks HERE

When will you re-open?

As we are sure you will understand it is impossible to provide a firm date that we will re-open at the current time. We will provide further updates on planned re-opening as we see how the current situation develops.

I pay for my membership through my salary. Will I still be charged?

Staff who pay for their membership via their salary pay in arrears. Unfortunately we have missed the deadline to amend any payment due in March’s payslip. Payroll have been informed to cease any future payments until further notice. Membership fees will not be charged for the period of closure.

Can I borrow equipment from the gym?

During this period we are unable to loan our gym equipment to members. Unfortunately, our insurance only covers use of our kit on site and therefore as soon as kit is taken outside of the Sports Village we would be liable for any injuries/damages. There are still some great workouts you can do with no kit at all. Check out and join our brand new HSV@Home community HERE



I have paid upfront for a course. Can I get a refund?

All courses we are not able to fulfil due to the Sports Village closure will be entitled to a full refund, or if more convenient to you, moved to another date in the future. As we are currently closed we are not able to process any refunds at the current time but we will review how we can make these work and update you with further details when we are able to.   Update.. We are still unable to process refunds as still no open, we are looking into other solutions.


Swimming Lessons

What will happen to my/my child’s swimming lessons?

If you pay by monthly direct debit, all lessons and direct debits will be frozen and we will not be taking any money in April. We will reassess what to do with subsequent direct debit payments and if we need to we will freeze direct debits for longer if we remain closed. You will not need to contact us or do anything.

If you have already paid for a block of lessons, you will keep any remaining credits on your account.

Can we have a refund of our remaining credits?

No. Credits will remain in your account securing a place in the class for when lessons recommence.

Will I receive a part refund of my March direct debit?

No direct debits will be taken for April and we will calculate and add on any unused days to your membership, so you won’t lose out and adjust the next direct debit payment we take from you accordingly.

I had already given a month’s notice to cancel my lessons that were paid for by direct debit. Will I now receive a refund for the cancelled lessons?

If you’ve cancelled your direct debit and are unable to make use of your cancellation period, please contact us at

How do I cancel my child’s/adult swim lessons?

Please contact us via email at

How will I find out when swimming lessons are recommencing?

We will be in contact via email and further updates will be available on our website, HSV Book app and social media channels.

We were self-isolating before the closure. Can we have a credit for those weeks we missed?

Unfortunately, we can’t retrospectively credit your account. We will not be able to reimburse you if you didn’t visit us before our closure.

Can we still move classes whilst you are shut?

Yes you can move swimmers via the Home Portal or by emailing your request to

Can I have a refund for my children's swimming lessons if they were paid for via Childcare vouchers?

Unfortunately it is not possible to refund Childcare vouchers.


Kids Village Activities

Easter Holiday Activities

I’ve booked and paid for my child to attend one of your Easter Holiday activities. Will the activities still be taking place? If not, will I get a full refund?

We have cancelled our Easter Kids Village programme. If you have already booked onto one of our activities, you have the option of a credit or a full refund. We will contact you as soon as possible, however the latest we will be in touch will be Tuesday 31st March.


My child is currently enrolled on your 12-week Gymnastics course. As we will be missing the next few Saturday sessions, what will happen to the remainder of the money I have already paid?

The remaining sessions of the course you have pre-paid will be credited to your HSV account. This credit can be used for any product or service that the Sports Village provides. You will not need to contact us or do anything.

Kids Parties

I have booked a kids party, what do I do now?

Please be assured we will be contacting all bookings on our system. We are working through this by facility and chronological order as much as we can. Please bear with us as we do have a back log of bookings to get through. Don't worry, we will get around to contacting all kids parties, conference bookings, block bookings, events and advanced bookings; both indoor and outdoor.


Conference, block, advance bookings and events

I have a current or future booking, what do I do now?

Please be assured we will be contacting all bookings on our system. We are working through this by facility and chronological order as much as we can. Please bear with us as we do have a back log of bookings to get through. Don't worry, we will get around to contacting all kids parties, conference bookings, block bookings, events and advanced bookings; both indoor and outdoor.


Personal Training

I have paid for a block of Personal Training sessions with my Personal Trainer. As you are now temporarily closed, what happens to these sessions?

Please get in contact with your Personal Trainer directly, who will advise on the options available to you.



Will Sports Awards be rescheduled?

Unfortunately, due to time constraints we will not be able to reschedule Sports Awards in the normal capacity, but we are looking into other ways to deliver the awards in a different format.

Will Varsity be rescheduled?

Unfortunately, we will not be in a position to reschedule Varsity due to the time constraints, but we look forward to Varsity 2021 in Derby.

Can I still book performance sport courts/pitches?

No, Hertfordshire Sports Village  is closed so all facilities are out of action.

Are off-site sessions still running?

All HertSquad activities are cancelled - this includes any activities that usually take place off-site, even if the venues they are due to take place in remain open.

Will un-played BUCS fixtures or BUCS Big Wednesday be rescheduled?

Find out the most up to date information on the BUCS website

Is S&C training still going ahead?

Performance Herts is closed, however please follow their social media channels for more content to keep you active during this time (@PerformHerts - Twitter, @PerformanceHerts - Facebook or @performanceherts - Instagram). The coaches will also be updating the TeamBuildr app with workouts you can do from home and with minimal equipment. 

How can I collect my Active Students t-shirt that I have earned by collecting stamps?

Our students have been super active this year which means unfortunately we have run out of t-shirts!

How can I collect my Active Students hoodie that I have earned by collecting stamps?

Unfortunately as the Sports Village is now closed we are unable to give out the hoodies. However, if you are returning to the University of Hertfordshire when the Sports Village re-opens you can bring your 2019/20 Loyalty card into the HertSquad office and we will issue your hoodie (subject to availability).

Book a Tour

Looking for a local gym with a swimming pool? Come and have a look around our state of the art facilities at Hertfordshire Sports Village, with the opportunity to try them too.

Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

Talk to our team