
Bench Press

Exercise Of The Month

Thursday 2 February, 2023

What is a Bench Press?

The Bench press is a compound exercise for strengthening the upper body. By performing the bench press, you primarily work your pectoralis major (your chest). Other muscles also aid during the movement such as other chest muscles, the triceps and shoulders. However, by adjusting your grip, this will change the primary muscle working. For example, a narrower grip will put extra emphasis on the triceps and forearm rather than the chest.

How to perform this exercise: Lie on your back on a flat bench with your eyes directly under the bar. Grip the barbell with hands slightly wider thatn shoulder width. Press your feet firmly into the ground and keep your hips and bum on the bench throughout the bench throughout the entire movement Unrack the bar by pressing up and bringing the bar over your chest. Lower the bar to the base of your sternum with your elbows around 45 degrees away from your body Drive your legs into the ground and push the bar in a straight line, extending the elbows back up to starting position

Coaching Tips: Don't allow the wrists to roll back into extension, think about rolling your knuckles toward the ceiling. Ensure the shoulder blades remain retracted and don’t allow them to change position as you press. Think about trying to push yourself away from the bar instead of pushing the bar off of you, by pushing yourself into the bench

Exercise Variations: Dumbbell bench press, Incline/decline barbell or dumbbell bench press, Single arm dumbbell bench

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