


Exercise of the month - Romanian Deadlift

Thursday 3 November, 2022

Exercise of the Month - The Romanian Deadlift


What is a Romanian Deadlift?

The Romanian deadlift, commonly known as an RDL, is a deadlift variation that requires a hip hinge movement where we slowly lower the bar towards the floor, then by contracting our hamstrings and glutes, the bar is lifted back up towards the hips as we return to an upright position.

Why do we prescribe this exercise?

RDLs are a great exercise for stimulating muscle growth in the glutes and hamstrings as we hold the tension in our hamstrings throughout the entire movement. For more advanced lifters, it emphasizes hip extension from glute and hamstring recruitment. For those who suffer from back issues, an RDL is a perfect substitute for a deadlift as it accumulates less low-back fatigue when executed correctly.

Coaching Tips:

  • Set up with your feet about hips width apart, toes pointing almost straight ahead. Bring your feet in narrower if you want to isolate the hamstrings further
  • Drive you glutes back, hinging at the hips, with your knees soft but not bent
  • Keep the barbell close to your body throughout the whole movement by activating your lats, pulling the barbell towards your body
  • Lower the weight slowly and under control, until your hamstrings are maximally stretched and drive the weight back up.

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