
Face coverings are now essential at Herts Sports Village

Face coverings are now mandatory at Herts Sports Village

Tuesday 30 November, 2021

Following recent updates about the new Omicron variant of coronavirus, the University of Hertfordshire which includes us at Hertfordshire Sports Village and the Oval Gym, have made the decision that face coverings will be mandatory inside all UH buildings including Hertfordshire Sports Village and the Oval Gym from Wednesday 1 December. Face coverings will be required by all members, customers and staff, unless you are exempt from wearing one. In this case, you will need to wear an exemption lanyard that is clearly visible. 

Face coverings can be removed when exercising but they must be put back on when moving around the centre.

Thank you for protecting the health of our Sports Village community.

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Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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