It’s official.
Herts Sports Village is one of the best places to work in the UK!
We were recognised as outstanding to work for recently and in the UK’s top 100 small businesses to work for. After attending the virtual Best Companies awards in May we found out where we came and we are thrilled to announce...
- we came 20th place in leisure & hospitality’s best companies to work for in 2021 (the ONLY sporting leisure business in the top 20!)
- 50th place in the East of England’s 75 best companies to work for in 2021.
- 71st place in the UK’s best small companies to work for in 2021.
Not bad considering we are just about coming out the other side of a global pandemic and have survived as a company through 3 lockdowns!
The reason we have survived all this and have won these fantastic awards is down to the amazing team of staff who work for us. Without them, there would be no HSV family.
Are you interested in working for Herts Sports Village and want to be part of our fantastic team?
Find out what vacancies we currently have HERE.