
Move it, or Lose it

Move it, or Lose it

Wednesday 20 January, 2021

Movement and mobilisation are key as we get older. As we age, we lose the ability to access all ranges of motions without pain or compensation. But it's never too late to develop a mobility practice to get your full range of motion back.

Keeping active, especially in your 40s, will not only help prevent injury and pain in the future, it can also help you stay active in your 60s, 70s, and beyond. It’s what allows us to perform our daily tasks like do the laundry, play with the dog, and exercise without pain or restriction. Mobility is essential to our quality of life as we get older.

Our Health and Fitness coach, Celia shares her top tips on how to remain fit and healthy in your 50s, 60s and beyond.

  1. Do what you enjoy:
    Whether it is walking, weight training, cycling, dancing or even gardening. Regular exercise boosts serotonin levels in your brain, which enhances your mood and overall sense of happiness and well-being. Remember, you are more likely to adhere to exercise if you enjoy it. If it's a chore you are less likely to stick to it!
  2. Mobililsation:
    Maintaining mobility and stability of the joints is important to improve the range of motion in your joints and muscles, preventing injuries occurring. It can assist in improving our posture and alleviate 'everyday' aches and pains. Try out one of our Pilates or Yoga classes virtually on our HSV@Home timetable HERE which are tailored to focus on stretches, posture, and breathing/meditation techniques.
  3. Improve your heart health:
    Regular cardiovascular training such as brisk walking, jogging, light housework and cycling (anything that raises the heart rate) will increase blood flow to the heart and boost your overall health.
  4. Community & socialising:
    During lockdown it is easy to feel lonely or demotivated. Creating social connections whether that is online as a group or meeting a friend or family member for a walk or online chat to socialise and to remain fit, healthy, happy and motivated is hugely beneficial and does wonders for our positive mental health.

Join Celia’s Get Active class every Wednesday and Friday on our HSV@Home virtual timetable HERE.

Book a Tour

Looking for a local gym with a swimming pool? Come and have a look around our state of the art facilities at Hertfordshire Sports Village, with the opportunity to try them too.

Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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