
car park

Parking is Changing on 1 August 2022 – Register Your Vehicle Now

Thursday 14 July, 2022

Car Parking FAQs

There are some important changes to the parking arrangements at Hertfordshire Sports Village. Please read the information below carefully. It is your responsibility to adhere to the new parking conditions and failure to act may result in parking fixed penalty notices being issued to you.

Register your car with Hozah autopay now here

What is changing?

From Monday 1 August 2022 ALL USERS OF THE CAR PARK at Hertfordshire Sports Village will need to register any vehicles they intend to park at the Sports Village with a new operator of the car park called HOZAH.

Why are these changes happening?

The car park at Hertfordshire Sports Village is owned by the University of Hertfordshire and they control who can park and what people pay to do so. After a comprehensive review of parking they have launched a new scheme which will ensure all users of the car park are treated consistently whether Sports Village members, staff or students.

Will parking still be free of charge?

Yes. Parking will continue to be free-of-charge for all Sports Village users for 2 hours a day (weekdays) and for any duration at weekends.

What happens if I want to stay and park for longer than 2 hours?

After the initial period of 2-hours free parking a daily parking charge of £2 per day (or part thereof) will apply for all users parking within the enforcement hours outlined below. This can only be paid by registering online via the HOZAH autopay scheme. There is no option to pay in-person.

What are the parking enforcement hours?

From Monday 1 August parking enforcement hours are Monday to Friday 07:00-19:00

Outside of these enforcement hours customers of Hertfordshire Sports Village can park for longer than 2 hours and will not be charged. For example, if you park after 5:00pm weekdays you can stay for longer than 2 hours as by the time your 2-hour free parking has expired you will be outside the enforcement hours

How do I register my car (s) for free parking?

ALL USERS OF THE CAR PARK at Hertfordshire Sports Village MUST REGISTER THEIR VEHICLES WITH HOZAH. Even if you never intend to stay more than 2 hours you must still register your vehicle (you will not be charged for parking for 2 hours or less).

You can sign up / register now on the HOZAH autopay site here  - you will not be charged until 1 August and only be charged if and when you exceed the 2-hour free parking limit (no return within 3 hours).

Can i register more than 1 car?

Yes you can. You will be able to register numerous vehicles through a single HOZAH autopay account.

Can i have more than one vehicle parked that is registered under my account at the same time?

You can register multiple cars when using HOZAH autopay. A car will only be charged for parking after 2 hours. If both cars are parked at once, both will be charged £2 (after their separate 2-hour free parking periods).

What happens if I don’t register my car details?

If you decide NOT to register your car details with HOZAH and you inadvertently stay longer than 2 hours you will receive a fixed penalty notice and have to pay £80 (reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days) so please register your vehicles today.

What happens if I park and stay over 2 hours and forget to register my car details in advance?

You have until midnight on the day you park to register any vehicle and pay your £2 parking charge for any stays over 2 hours within the enforcement period. If you fail to register your car details with HOZAH and you stay longer than 2 hours you will receive a fixed penalty notice and have to pay £80 (reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days).

Further information

Please speak to a member of the Sports Village team if you have any questions but please note that this scheme applies to all users of the Sports Village and no exceptions can be made.

Register your car with Hozah autopay now here

We know parking can be an emotive subject but we hope that the 2-hour free parking means that there is no change for the vast majority of Sports Village users and that you will continue to enjoy our facilities and service like you currently do.

Thank you for your continued custom and loyalty.

David Connell
Director of Sport

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