
Pool booking no longer required

Pool booking is no longer required

Wednesday 11 August, 2021

This means no more pre-planning and booking swim sessions, whether that be casual or lane swimming!
The ease of going for a swim pre-Covid is back! If you are a non-member and pay for each swim, please remember we are still not accepting cash at this time. Come prepared with card or contactless payment.

Please note: our booking system remains in place for all other areas of the Sports Village including the gym and classes (Aquacise is still bookable).

We hope your swimming experience has just been made that little bit easier.
Thanks for your continued support over the pandemic!

Book a Tour

Looking for a local gym with a swimming pool? Come and have a look around our state of the art facilities at Hertfordshire Sports Village, with the opportunity to try them too.

Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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