
Swimming Pool

Pool wet side change lockers are being replaced!

Monday 13 September, 2021

We are pleased to announce that our wet side change lockers are being replaced over night from Monday 13 September.

Our brand new lockers will gradually replace all the old lockers, block by block from Monday evening. If you are using our wet side changing areas from Tuesday 14 September, you will notice a mixture of both the old and new lockers throughout the week until they are all replaced. 

You will no longer need a £1 coin when using our new lockers which will hopefully make your swim visit to us even easier! That means no longer remembering to bring your £1 coin with you or having to wear your key wristband in the pool!

Our new lockers will have digital code locks so you will just need to remember your code.
Plus the lockers will come in a variety of shapes and sizes and some will even have hanging space!

All lockers will have instructions on how to use the code locks. Please see locker instructions below.

We hope this addition to our wet side changing rooms will add to your swim experience with us.

How to use the lockers

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