
1:1 Outdoor Training

Re-start your membership & enjoy HSV Outdoors!

Thursday 18 June, 2020

On Monday 1 June we began our partial re-opening of Herts Sports Village after we had to close our doors on Friday 20 March. We have now emailed all members in batches to let you know how we are re-opening safely and within the new Government guidelines. For now, all training will be kept in our outdoor grounds with social distancing in place.

If you opt-in to re-start and unfreeze your current membership, you will be able to access the following per week:

  • One 45 minute outdoor training session with a HSV instructor* (these sessions are not available to UH students on a student membership)
  • Two 45 minute outdoor group class sessions (All participants will be 2 metres apart at all times)**
  • One 45 minute tennis court booking (this is available for families living in the same household or two individuals from different households who are socially distancing)
  • One third of an artificial pitch for 45 minutes per week (this is available on our New Gen 2 or Sand Astro pitches only. Families living in the same household or up to six individuals social distancing at a time can use this)

All sessions will be limited to 45 minutes to allow for social distancing at all times, safe changeover between members, the cleaning of equipment used and the resetting of equipment prior to the next session starting.

*The outdoor training sessions will currently be offered on a 1:1 basis so that all gym equipment can be used safely without the mixing of different people across different stations in the same session.

**As 6 people from different households can now meet outside if keeping to social distancing rules, we have added outdoor group class sessions into our offering. There will be a variety of small sessions on offer with a HSV Gym Instructor who is on shift. You can choose to book your preferred time slot at the time of booking.

As always, if Government advice is updated to allow a higher number of people training together we will increase ratios in light of these changes and the ratios of our sessions will be replaced with higher ratios. We will notify members of these changes in advance of them taking effect. 

If you decide to re-start and unfreeze your current membership, no payment will be taken until Wednesday 1 July and you can start booking your sessions right away.

If you are interested, please complete the form below and our Reception Team will be in touch with further details.

Opt-in HERE to re-start your membership

Read our FAQ's

Book a Tour

Looking for a local gym with a swimming pool? Come and have a look around our state of the art facilities at Hertfordshire Sports Village, with the opportunity to try them too.

Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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