
Hertfordshire Sports Village Swimming Pool

Hertfordshire Sports Village Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool Closure Summer 2018

Monday 10 September, 2018

Pool Closure Update - Monday 10 September 2018

The pool closure is now starting its 12th week and we are pleased to say that works are progressing well against the schedule. As with all projects of this nature the contractors have discovered some issues that needed addressing that could not have been predicted and this added time to the schedule, whilst other tasks have been completed faster than anticipated, which has made up some of this lost time.

We are hoping to have a good understanding of a re-opening date by the start of next week and we are confident that the pool will definitely be open again by Monday 15 October 2018 at the latest (as per the original schedule).

Once again we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this closure and we really look forward to you being able to swim at the Sports Village again in the near future.   

Team HSV

Midday Saturday 23 June – Sunday 14 October 2018

We want to inform you that to finally rectify the ongoing issues we will be closing the pool at Hertfordshire Sports Village from Monday 25 June until Sunday 14 October 2018 to enable the full removal and replacement of the pool liner.  The Hatfield Swim Club Gala will take place from Midday 23 June and 24 June when the pool will also be closed for public use.

How to pick up your temporary membership to Hatfield Swim Centre

As many of you will recall we had to close the pool in Summer 2017 to investigate the cause of tears to the pool liner over recent years.  During the closure last year, a comprehensive range of tests and surveys were carried out to provide us with 100% certainty of what had caused the pool liner to tear and what work would be required to rectify the situation and get the pool functioning as it should for the long-term. The good news is that tests and surveys showed that there were no structural issues with the pool, which was a possibility.

However, to be able to finally rectify the issue, the liner needs to be fully replaced otherwise we risk further tears and damage to the pool and unplanned closures in the coming months and years to deal with these tears.

It will take 16 weeks to replace the liner and solve the issue permanently and therefore the pool will need to close again this Summer between Monday 25 June and Sunday 14 October for these final rectification works to take place.

Why do we need to close the pool for so long?
Obviously, we never take a decision to close any facility area lightly and we need to close the pool for 16 weeks in order to remove the existing pool liner and re-fit a new liner that will function as it should for the long-term. Although this sounds like a quick and straightforward process, the complexities of a pool with a moveable floor and boom mean that removing and replacing a pool liner is a complex and time-consuming job which cannot be rushed.

Why are we closing over the summer period?
The summer period is the quietest time where usage of the pool is at its lowest. Casual and member use is minimal, the swim club take the month of August off from training and the swim lesson programme breaks for the summer holidays - so closing the pool at this time has less disruption overall to users rather than closing at another time of year.

What will happen to my membership whilst the pool is closed?
We have listened to feedback we received during the 2017 pool closure and following this we have worked with another local facility and arranged for all pre-paid members to be able to use the pool at Hatfield Swim Centre during the period of our closure. We will continue to take any Direct Debit or annual payments in full throughout the closure as normal and we will then cover the full cost of your temporary membership at Hatfield Swim Centre.  Further details of how to activate the swim aspect of your membership can be found on this page and emailed to you in the coming weeks.

What about my swim lessons during the pool closure?
If you are a swim lesson customer your last swimming lesson of the Summer term will be week beginning Monday 18 June. If you pay by Direct Debit we will take June’s payment as normal and start your swim lesson Direct Debit again once we have a definite pool opening date confirmed. If you pay for a block of lessons, any credit you have from the time of the pool closure will be carried over to the next term. If the works are completed on time, swimming lessons will recommence week beginning Monday 15 October 2018 and Ingrid and her team will be in contact nearer the time to confirm definite start dates and arrangements for this.

Is there any chance the work may take less or more time to complete?
As with any rectification works of this complex nature there is always a chance the schedule can change and either become shorter or longer. We have created a comprehensive and detailed project plan with key milestones so that we will know as the project develops whether it is on time, ahead or behind the planned schedule. We will keep members up-to-date with developments via email and social media during the period of the closure.

Where can I find out further information about the closure and the use of Hatfield Swim Centre during the 16 weeks the pool at Hertfordshire Sports Village is unavailable?
We will email members regularly with updates but we have also created this web page where we will list all updates and details of how to redeem your free swim use at Hatfield Swim Centre.

Any questions?
If you have any questions or require further information please speak to a member of staff, who will be happy to help. Our customer services team can be contacted on 01707 284466  (option 5) between 10:30am-6:30pm weekdays and 10:00am-4:00pm at weekends.

Thank you for your custom and understanding with this pool closure. We look forward to the rectification works being completed and the pool operating fully and without interruption for years to come


David Connell
Director of Sport

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