
Training During The Festive Period

Training During The Festive Period

Friday 30 December, 2022


Quality over quantity. Due to other commitments and gym opening times you may be limited with time to train. Train with intent, ensure you're hitting your compound lifts with 100% effort especially if you may skip out on accessories.

Priorities time with loved ones. Christmas only comes ones a year, so be sure to spend as much time with friends and family as possible.

Use this period to relax, unwind and come back harder than ever in 2023.


Periods of rest are vital for all athletes, over-exercising and not giving your body the break it needs is detrimental to progression.

Having time off exercise allows the body to repair and build muscle, alleviate soreness, replenish energy stores, prevent injury and many more benefits.

By scheduling periods of rest alongside Christmas events it allows your body to get the time off it needs without you missing out on any holiday fun!


Christmas can be a calorie dense period, where many of us will consume more food than usual.

Making little changes such as going on a run to maintain cardiovascular fitness, reducing the intensity/time spent in the gym or adapting exercises so they can be done at home with minimal equipment will keep your body active and burn off those extra calories.

But most importantly, don't feel guilty if you're eating more and training less: it is Christmas after all!

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Complete the form above and we'll be in touch or call 01707 284466 to speak to one of our team.

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