
Adam Peatty Competition Winners

Well done to our Adam Peaty competition winners

Thursday 7 October, 2021

We want to wish a massive congratulations to our three fantastic winners of our Adam Peaty swim competition!

Elliott, Ava and Musa are all on our Learn to Swim Programme and recently entered our competition to win a signed swim hat by the Olympic gold medalist himself by telling us what they enjoy most about swim lessons at HSV.

In the winners own words, this is why they love their lessons with us:

HSV swimming lessons have been a great opportunity for me. I love the teachers and also the children who I swim with. Also getting certificates where I level up to a new stage and I get to show it to my school in assembly. It’s been fantastic. I love it"
by Elliott

I love swimming at Hertfordshire Sports Village because the lessons are fun and my teacher is kind. I like doing breaststroke best and holding my breath under water"
by Ava

I like swimming because it is a life skill to survive in the sea. My teacher is good because he is nice and kind"
by Musa

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